Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When can I call you "my friend" ?

Sometime ago one of my friends she was telling me this situation that happened to her. She was hanging out for several months with a group of people she met in her new school. They went for drinks, movies, parties, walks, home invites – all those fun things. In the group she got more close to one of the girls sharing all the trendy little secrets. One day that girl she was very sad and she closed herself in one room and was crying. My friend wanted to know what happened, so she went after her to console her. She was pushed away with a very rude saying: “Why should I tell you my private feelings? The fact that we hang out for drinks doesn`t mean we are friends! We are not! We are just acquaintances!”
My friend assumed was just something she said being nervous, so when that girl was in a better mood she opened the discussion. Wrong! “Get this well in your head! We are not friends!”

I was in a similar situation some years ago…I knew this person for many years, but due to the distance we could not consider ourselves very close friends – like best friends. Still, we shared many common things, we shared feelings and secrets and we were enjoying our time together whenever we got the chance. We were opened to each other, we had that mutual understanding that you have only with special people.
One day that person did something quite inappropriate. As a sign of our so called by me friendship I asked for explanations. Wrong! “We are not friends! I`m sorry I ever created you that impression! We were just talking!” I don`t remember exactly how the conversation continued I just remember I was left with a bitter taste and every other time I was even named friend or made feel I was a friend by that person I didn`t know how to take it.

I tried to see if I was ever put on the other side - to be considered a friend and not feel like one. Maybe. But, feel is not the same with yell in someone’s face “you are not my friend”. You just don’t rely too much on that person – when in need, or you don`t share your secrets. When someone calls you a friend it gives you a great honor. It means that person trusts you and cares about you and your feelings and shares with you his/ her intimate feelings and thoughts. Even if you don`t share the same trust or feelings, at least you can respect what the other person feels. I`m happy when someone calls me their friend it means to me that person appreciates me.

When do YOU call a person a friend? Does friendship implies certain responsibilities? Or you just take it as it is? What do you do if a person calls you a friend and you don`t feel like it? Do you have certain expectations from someone you call a friend?
Are there any boundaries to friendship? Probably yes. Especially if it comes to a man – woman friendship or age difference or cultural values or…I don`t know, you name it!

This post has no particular purpose…I just hope you`ll analyze this on your side. (it may be a continuation to this…the opposite)
And from my side – many thanks to those that consider me their friend – in a way or another ;).

Note: I do not own the copyright for the images

1 comment:

Scutu said...

.. interesting !! :)