Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Can you break free from your own destiny?

Last night I had a chat with a friend of mine about things that happened in her life. She was saying that we are all puppets in the hands of destiny. I asked her:
Can you break your own destiny?

She told me she thinks differently. She believes that we can’t change our own destiny and all we have to do is to accept it. We don’t have to force it. We have to reconcile with ourselves and continue on our way. But we cannot befriend it because the evil never sleeps and it’s on the same way as we are. We can only keep a fair distance from our own destiny to keep out of trouble.
I told her I don’t want to believe that.
She told me that I was young, with age I would believe the same thing. She said that actually believing this is more relaxing and lets you breath easily.
Maybe this is why sometimes I have trouble breathing – hahaha.

I noticed then that there is a contradiction in myself – From experience, I wanted to believe her, but that would have meant I wasn’t truthful to my spirit. I always fought my own destiny because I always believed that you create your own destiny. Happiness starts with yourself.
Today I shared with her a quote: (Indian saying) No matter who you meet, he is the right person. No matter what happens, it is the only thing that would happen. No matter what time things started, all for the moment. Has ended, is over.

She replied to me with this: “c'est la destinĂ©e” (It’s destiny.)
I repeated myself saying that I don’t like this destiny business. I refuse.
She looked at me as if I was an innocent child not knowing what he is saying.
I told her I am worrier and that I want to stay that way.

 Fate vs destiny
While writing this I also realized something – that we often don’t make a distinction between fate and destiny, just because they are synonyms. In reality, there is a slight difference.

Fate is something predetermined that will happen no matter what, in spite of any of your actions. Destiny is a set of predetermined events within your life that you take an active course in shaping.
I tend to believe that we have sort of a fate that is given to us at birth through the circumstances: our genes, our environment, our economic and social status. I mean when you are born you have let’s say, millions of possibilities. From the first decision that was taken for us, probably taken by our parents, we start shaping our future. We pick a direction each time and with each direction we reduce a little, almost imperceptibly the chances we were given at birth.
To give you a more concrete example:
I was born in a different country, that at some point in my life I chose to leave. Most surely, at birth I was given the option to live and have a life there. The moment I left I changed my destiny. I could go back, there is no question about it, but it will never be the same as if I would have stayed in the first place. Fate may still be there, but destiny has changed.

I think that once in a while we all need to reboot because the system gets too clogged. No matter what life brings our way, we have to try again and again. And hopefully next time after a restart, it will work better. 

When I was young, a scryer looked at my palm and said to me:
“You girl, you have gone ahead of your destiny.”
“Is that good or bad?” I asked.
She replied: “You will never know if you keep challenging your own path.” She had another look at my palm and said: “There are many good and bad things coming your way. Too many…Is like you never like to rest and you want to experience everything.”
I didn’t ask her again if that was good or bad. To tell the truth, I prefer not to know. Not in this way. If I glance to the future I prefer it to be in my own way.

I totally forgot about this until now…when I am in one of the rebooting phases of my life and it happened I had this discussion. For a couple of years now, I didn’t challenge my destiny – I let it play its cards and this game had become boring and cruel in the same time. Once in a while I still take a different plane than the one I am supposed to. It brings a momentary smile on my face. Is like I played a trick on the destiny (one drop in the blue ocean compared to the waves it brings to us). But is not that, destiny, as well? Just a different option.

So, yes, I truly, truly believe you can break your own destiny…just one step at a time or through the craziness of the moment. That way you will never know if what you did was good or bad compared with something else. If it’s good, better for you; if it’s bad, just another line in your palm. You can’t just sit and wait. It’s boring. And more than boring is time consuming, and time is life. Your life.
And if the destiny challenges yourself, play back with your own cards.
Last summer destiny played a really bad joke on me. I was really angry and sad. I knew I couldn’t change that situation, it was simply not in my power, but even if it was something negative I wanted to play my best card and make a “good” memory out of it. Now, if I think back at it and even shed a tear, there is a resigned smile on my face, because I know I fought with all my might. I made a good sad memory out of it, a powerful memory. 
Take each moment as it comes, cry if you have to cry, scream and yell, laugh and dance if that's the case, but let it go once is gone. 

We are never truly the winners, but we can’t accept to be defeated, either. After all, it’s your happiness on the line. At the end of the road you’ll have a smile or a tear; you will not receive neither a medal neither a kick in the ass, you’ll end the same way as everybody else – dust. Be a freaking smiling dust! (This is a strange expression, but I hope you understand the meaning).
Not because it will count anymore for you…Just for the universe. Be positive.

You don’t have to have necessarily a good relation with your destiny. You are just two old pals sometimes getting along, sometimes fighting, and sometimes pretending you don’t care. From time to time you need to have a face to face chat.
Enough is enough.

If you want to find out about a few tips on how to change things in your life, like bad habits follow this link.

The mocking moon

In the night a beam of light
Sneaked on my pillow
Strangely enough, it was
A thief with a golden sword
Trying to pull out my eyes.
A thief with a golden sword?
That was when I realized
It was a dream.
In a heartbeat, I woke up
And as my eyelids opened
The moon, startled me
With a silly laugh...
From behind the curtains
Of my window.
Now, I totally need a hug
To hide my face
From the mocking spy.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Project Plan?

Found this poem in an old notebook from around 2010 or 2011. Work obsessed ? Nein, nein...just playing...

Look into the blue part
Prime script for two months

Who is going to write that stuff?

Do the migration
To prove the process

It will all work for the pilot
After the pilot is complete

We will estimate 10% vibration
Send that data to us
We would have access to the source files?
What integration for the support and maintenance?
Six months before production
If you do the math
That is nine per month
Look into the damn blue part. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

The eyes of the abyss

Remembering Caraz Cesui with Anaiss Nomara
Did it happen to you that someone had a huge impact on you with you not really acknowledging it? And when they were gone from your life, you missed them until also that feeling disappeared and then the time passed and you have forgotten everything until one day something small, ridiculous triggers those feelings back in your head and brings that person back in your life.

For about a year now, I remembered him…“the man with the eyes of the abyss”. That’s how I used to call him. And the spark was not coming from a madeleine displaying his eyes, ha ha ha or simply me looking at those eyes, but something he had written. Do you know how many times I had seen those eyes after that period and I haven’t thought of them as abyss? I tried very hard to remember why I used to call him that and what made me stop…because I knew I was never really in love with him and he was not even a close friend. There was something mysterious that was hidden in the boxes of memories of my head, like a story, a fantastic story from a different world. The other day I remembered it again accidentally listening to a song that he also liked. The man with the eyes of the abyss came back for a second knocking at the doors of my soul, leaving a strange heartbeat behind before disappearing into oblivion again. I had to find out who was that man and what he had represented in my life back then.

And believe me, I’ve laughed very hard when I found out from an old notebook containing messages dedicated to him. The man with the eyes of the abyss, not my ex, not my friend, a stranger,… my muse. Yap. You guys, have girls for muses, why can’t we girls have guys? Well, as crazy as it seemed I had a half notebook full of written things dedicated to him, not out of love, well simply because he was my inspiration. It was enough to see him and my mind drifted away opening into a different universe where he was the king of fantasy. Love? I wasn’t actually fantasizing about my love and his, but I still called it love, because I was fascinated by his being, by his soul. 
And all I wanted was his soul. That desire was expressed actually quite poetically at the end of some of the verses or short stories. Now, that made me laugh again so hard that this morning I wanted to ask him if someone before has requested his soul. This sounds so malefic. It still amuses me. “Gimme, your soul! Right now!” Oh, and I also had to stare at his picture for about five minutes to find the abyss that I kept talking about. With a little effort…and a little help from a mysterious girl, I forgot about, Anaiss…let’s see who was or is the man with the eyes of the abyss.

It was during university years and three quarters of the female race had a crush on this tall guy from the Literature department with curly light brown hair and celestial blue eyes, a sensual full mouth, high cheek bones and a romantic air, like Byron and of course, a poet. I still make a face of aversion that after all this time I remember his traits or almost and I try to display them as lyrically as they were seen. What can I say, a beauty? No matter how ironic, I’m trying to be, I have to recognize, he was quite beautiful, he just didn’t appeal to my senses in any way. My friends were hysterical when he was passing by, the female race was falling at his knees and they thronged to see him. I was disgusted. My friends dragged me to the hallway because the beauty king was passing by and they were trying to convince me of his qualities. And while I was barely fitting in a doorway, totally bored and listening to their rattle, I saw him – the man with the eyes of the abyss. A smile appeared on my face as if I had discovered the mystery of the world. 
Those eyes were infinite in blackness, immeasurable, the entire universe fitting in those black eyes, a profound pit, a hole with no bottom, in space and time. I thought for a moment that he smiled back to me, but I probably imagined it or I was wrong, with all that femininity display around me.

“His friend is totally cool,” I mumbled to my friends. “Poet? Look at those black eyes…”
“His friend is our colleague, you idiot!” one of my friends replied to me ignoring the rest of my comment.
Yap, I must have looked like an idiot not to recognize one of my colleagues, but that was the moment when I actually first acknowledged him. And I don’t know if it was his white shirt, and his oily raven hair, or his face, with pretty normal traits, but those eyes touched something so frail in my soul, that I couldn’t stop wondering about them.

Of course, my friends finding out about my new interest, started to give me inputs about him: who he was, what he did, what school he was coming from etc. etc. But I didn’t care, all I wanted was to see his eyes and find out what it was beyond those eyes, what was behind that gate in a different universe. And each time I saw him after that, I discovered a different universe. I was already writing about the countless worlds behind those eyes. I was fascinated, not by the man, but by what he could have been.
One day, when we found out that my cousin had been their classmate, my friends asked him so many questions about the two men that my head hurt. I forgot instantly almost everything I was told. When we were left alone, my cousin looked me in the eyes and asked me the question that I refused to ask myself.
“So, you like him, ah?”
“Like?” the words paused on my lips for long and I didn’t know what to reply. “I don’t know if I can say that I like him…” I replied uncertain. And because I was pounding too long, my cousin continued.
“I don’t want to disappoint you, but I don’t think he is your type and clearly you are not his type.”
And then it clicked.
“No,” I jumped. “I don’t like him. I don’t like him in that way. I don’t know him to like him. I actually don’t care,” I replied laughing. “I just think he is a smart guy that I would like to know a little better or maybe not...I don’t know. I am not interested in him as a man. Leave it... it’s not what you think it is.”
And that where it was left and everybody else decided to leave me alone, with my weird single sided platonic love, if it could be even named that, maybe better phantasmagoric love.

I didn’t care who he was in reality, but the man with the eyes of the abyss was everything else in the universe that I was seeing behind his eyes. He was an immortal wall of time in the building of space, and one little window wanted to be protected, but he couldn’t protect only her from the bad weather, because he was too busy with all the other windows. He had become shriveled and the little window felt pity for him because they were both dirty and forgotten by the human race. In a poem Cleopatra was mourning his death and in another he was the light of the stars in a pitch black night with no name. He was the absence of time and the time itself. He had built himself from the sand of time grain by grain, he had felt love and hate and pain, he had felt joy and shame, he forgave and was forgotten, he blanked out his infinite past choosing to live a simple human life and with each missed memory a grain was dropping from his body. The infinite time was dying unconsciously, forgetting who he was. With each written line, I was reminding him indirectly, knowing that he would never discover that I knew his secret. He was not human, not in my mind…he was the immortal time, the man with the eyes of the abyss.

One day someone had mistaken my rhymes for love, again. In my try to defend myself, I ceased to write, about the “beautiful child with infinite eyes” and I only seen him for what he was in other people's eyes, a merely human being, one of my classmates. But, somewhere in my heart remained that feeling that somewhere in my life, I’ve met, the time itself. 

The time

To Caraz Cesui by Anaiss Nomara

Stranger, with hourglass eyes
I’m waiting for you in the night
The liquid moon is filtering the light
Into my teary eyes
Come, stranger, with hourglass eyes
And let me glance at your eternity
I promise I will respect the sand
Hidden in your eyes
I will treasure each grain
Full of your love.

(Image reflecting a dying star)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Abyssal eyes

To Caraz Cesui by Anaiss Nomara

In your abyssal eyes
I wish to lose myself
And in the desolation of the sea
I want to call your name
From the forgotten history
Your name resonates stormy
It’s you…
It’s you…
Beautiful and rebellious
Ancestral child of the immortal facts
I’m calling you…
I’m calling you…

(image edited by Scutu Mix)


(this is a mere translation of the real thing...but...it will do) 

To Caraz Cesui by Anaiss Nomara

Oh, you beautiful child
From the blue immortality
fall from the abyss of the night
lightening the way
stay unhappy in sifted anonymous
you, always born absent
from so much familiarity
oh, you unquenchable kid
perfect in perfection
by the rotten moment of missing
Stay with me as the being
the only awakening
Of the timeless night
Mine, unique and eternal

(image by peterpan-81 deviant art)