Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Are we free to go?

We all have dreams and we all try to achieve some way.

But sometimes we get lost in the web of situations and we lose the reason "why?"

We can`t go back because there is no way back...we can`t go further because we don`t know the way.

The wind and the waves shall lead us to the coast of our dreams with no scratches and no lost luggage.

And all we need it`s not a passport for our dreams, but a stamp - as an approval that our minds are free to fly towards the dreams.

And all we know- is that: We are free to go! and nothing else ...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ecologic movement

I took these pictures yesterday while walking around ...

And yes, it`s not a elephant trunk - it`s a gas mask!
Even for the statues the air it`s becoming heavy!
And with a little photo manipulation - you get even a better idea of what our world became.

His flag is a not recyclable plastic bag blow by the wind
and the hardest battle he is handling in the new centuries is ... pollution!


I can read- but I can`t breath!

What you leave behind for the next generation depends on you! You can share a better knowledge or you can start to learn how to use a gas mask.