Saturday, September 4, 2010

Learn from the past

Accidentally I found a book and for the moment I touched its covers I knew I wanted to read it. I`m usually not attracted by this type of subject - just because its sad. But, this time - some how I just couldn`t. I abandoned the book I was reading and I started reading - I Have Lived A Thousand Years by Livia Bitton-Jackson. I couldn`t let it from my hands till I finished it.
The book is simple as writing, and a master piece on the subject of Holocaust. The author - a survivor of the Holocaust - tells her story as a 13 years old child in different death camps, including the famous Auschwitz. The book is shocking because it`s not just a story, it`s a reality- and it`s a must read!

I would recommend this book to every generation! I would recommend it just because we must learn from our mistakes - to be more tolerant and to avoid war. I would recommend it to every spoiled child to see what means survival.

Livia Bitton-Jackson has been a messenger on the subject of Jews in the Nazi time, but what happens when there will be no messengers? We should always tell their story as a proof of atrocities that took place and must be avoided.

If want another story on the same subject - read Anne Frank Diary - another teen - this time a victim of the inhuman war. The movie based on her diary and real documents is available here -

I know it doesn`t seem to be nothing fun in this - but it`s something that we should know and acknowledge.

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