Thursday, June 25, 2009

Real vs virtual existence

I don` t want to provoke hate. I don`t want to provoke anything, no feelings.
But am I real or I am just a name, an image…? An image of nobody.

If there will be a global amnesia…everybody will forget I exist.
Like in that movie- your existence is denied. Our traces will disappear completely centuries from now. But as long as someone is thinking that I existed – my existence can not be denied.
I EXIST – "Cogito, ergo sum" in English "I think, therefore I am", transposed in

Think about my existence, therefore my existence can not be denied.
Comment: messenger philosophy-see picture ;)


Jolie said...

Hm, what is the connection between "I think, therefore I am" and the virtual world? Isn't it just for fun? And the messenger is a good idea for communication purposes, LOL.

Malpraxis said...

Real sau virtaul? Pai omul in momentul de fata cred ca are 2 realitati:reala in care exista cu adevarat si o realitate virtuala sau internauta mai bine zis care consta in a avea conturi pe diferite site-uri gen hi5 sau myspace. Ideea e sa faci diferenta intre realitatea reala si cea internautica sau virtuala pentru ca altfel poti cadea in extrema si nu e bine...

sper sa nu te superi ca iti comentez in romana dar imi e mai usor asa plus ca si tu intelegi :P