Thursday, February 10, 2011

Time Travelers?

I found this information while searching I don't know what on the internet...And I found it interesting. Evidence about time traveling?

The picture is definitely strange...and I won't try to depict it - as, I am for sure no expert...
They say this picture has been taken in 1940 -1941 at the reopening of the South Fork Bridge after flood, somewhere in Canada...
Look at the man with the sun glasses - he doesn't seem
to fit in the crowed of that time...But is he really a time traveler? Modern sun glasses and a modern camera (or not)?

It seems others have tried to depict this picture and it is authentic, even if me personally I couldn't find it exposed on the Virtual Museum of Canada (maybe you have more luck).

Maybe the guy wasn't really a time traveler - maybe he was just a young man way ahead his time in fashion practices...How about the glasses?

The glasses to protect against the sun started around mid-18th century, but they became more popular after 1929 when they were mass produced...So, who knows, maybe they are not that modern after all...

The second so called proof of time traveling I found is from a Charlie Chaplin movie...

This one has been depicted as being a hearing device...not a cell phone. Why in the world would a old lady hold a cell phone in around 1920 when they were invented in the `80 and of course she didn't have coverage...or maybe she had some special coverage with her friends time travelers...because they were coming from the distant future...

Another example may be what it looked like a 19th century watch found by archaeologist in a grave of the Ming dynasty in Shangsi, southern China. There are two explanations to this…maybe they were not the first to open the grave, even if they assumed so… Or maybe, the predecessors were smart enough to build a watch.

There are other videos of people pretending to have time traveled…in an organized way or by accident (just YouTube it). These two – are kind of funny:

I like this one. A premonition or just a coincidence?

The thing is there are also notes before this video/audio recording technology about some strange encounters…with people that lived in a certain time and accidentally encountered in their very familiar surroundings ( like house or garden) a person that passed by shortly ( a few moments) and pretended to be from a different time and that was his or her house, garden etc.

Possible or not…Hoax or not? How about Stephen Hawking’s time travel paradox?

See you in the future past!

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