Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Angels

I was reading on Paulo Coelho's blog something about angels...and I decided to share with you some thoughts on the subject...

I was about 13-14 at that time. I got a very bad cold and felt very sick for days. Lying in bed was all I could do, except the medication and the warm soups my mother was preparing for me. After a late lunch and medication I finally fell asleep. A moment before starting to open my eyes I felt a soft touch and heard a voice that whispered to me: “Everything will be fine now. You are already feeling better”. When I woke up I saw through the eyelids, in a blurish form - an Angel, in a very white gown embroidered by light. It was so beautiful, a tenderness of brightness. I couldn’t distinguish any other form and I open widely my eyes. The Angel was gone. I didn’t move feeling disappointed that the Angel disappeared because of me and in the same time I was enjoying feeling better from my sickness. A corner of my white pillow was standing just in front of my eyes dressed in the last beams of the sun. I got up.

We like the idea of angels no matter the religion. The term has a connotation in Christian religion – a being that is the messenger of God. Expending this connotation the term is employed to express a supernatural being, in a spiritual form that will guide and protect a human being. Anyhow the etymology of the word is very clear, the English “Angel” derived from French that came from Latin, and the Latin word was an adaption of a Greek word - they all had the same definition –“messenger”.

The Angel is ideally a spirit of love and goodness. But, coming also from a Christian interpretation – Lucifer, was also an Angel – a fallen one. So, in time the Angel was given two attributes – a good and a bad Angel.

We like to think of Angels – not from the religious point of view, but to justify a certain action or to embellish a story. It may happen that one’s Angel is someone close to him/ her that has done something great for that person. Or… You may have more than one Angel in life. People that help, guide and protect you in different moments in life and then they move on or you move on. They stop being your Angels because they have accomplished their mission or some of them they remain there forever. Can you be an Angel? Of course, you can! Just do something amazing and you’ll be called an Angel. There is also the other side of the story with the dark side, and that means to be bad, provoke pain and suffering, disgust etc. I wouldn’t suggest that side.
The thing when you call people Angels is that they don’t have any supernatural powers – they are just in a position, at a moment, to guide you into a better path. They may not even have the necessary means, but their actions and words can be of great help. A messenger from above, or not – they have the power to enrich you.

Can we be our own angels?
Maybe yes, maybe not. Because as we tend to interpret that we all have the opportunity to do something great that we’ll entitle us with the term “Angel” – we can be good or mean to ourselves by our own thoughts. That may be when the extra-sensorial interpretation will appear – that some Angel, beyond any scientific explanation has been given the mission to protect us and it’s putting those thoughts in our head. On the other side, an Angel is not complete if he/she does good only to him/herself.
To conclude, think of all those in your life that you may call your Angels. Do they deserve a thank you, those you know and those you may not know?

1 comment:

Scutu said...

Very nice, .. can I see any pictures? :D