Monday, August 23, 2010

How to Stop Pain From a Burn

Have you ever burn yourself accidentally? Not a bad burn that requires medical attendance, but first degree burn. Did you feel the pain and you are about to burst into tears ? You don`t have any medication in the house or you just don`t know what to use. I wouldn`t know any of these home remedies if I hadn`t burned my self pretty bad last evening.
I keep in house a cream that says it is for minor burns, but I don`t know how minor should they be – because this time (it worked in the past) it didn`t work at all. So late at night I was still keeping my hand in a boll of water desperate that I couldn`t sleep. Then I remembered.
First step after a burn – put your hand, arm, leg under cold water for 10-15 minutes. Do not use ice!
Then add one of these things to the wound and keep it there for 5-15 minutes.
Honey – it used as a treatment for 3degrees burnings – so, definitely it will work for less.
Mustard – yellow simple mustard, not other combination. I didn`t know about this – I tried it last night and it worked.
Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) – put the powder in a boll and mix with water to make a cream, not something liquid and add it to your wound.
Aloe – it works if it natural – but also if it a gel. Do not use a cream containing aloe in the first day after a burn. It may not work as the moisture keeps the heat inside the skin. (as it happened with my cream)
If the pain doesn`t go in the first round, wash your hand in cold water and add the natural bandage again.
In a about an hour of treatment like this the pain will be gone. If you fill uncomfortable with the pain you may take an Advil, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, something for pain.
Ya, but how do you sleep? You can`t sleep with honey or mustard on your hand and you can`t really wrap your wound because it will heat.
I read this on the lovely internet – and I tried in a different way and it worked wonders.
Get a bag or more of tea – any tea may work ( I used jasmine), wet it with water from the fridge, put it on your wound and wrap it with paper or gauze. Not a tissue or something too absorbent. During the night the paper will get wet and stain your sheets, so you may wanna rest that part of body on a towel. If during the night the water was absorbed, and you feel uncomfortable – just wet again the teabag.

It is very important that you don`t get an infection, so be careful what you put on your wound. If the wound looks pretty bad – larger then your palm, redness, swelling, fever it is better to see a doctor.
Hope my tips help in case of accident, but better be careful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much! I burned my hand last night and my husband stumbled upon this blog while i was pouting. I'd been holding a bag of frozen okra... but it melted and the aloe was making a mess and also drying up way too quickly. The tea bags worked great and my hand was in much better condition this morning. Thank you!