Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hidden movies

I don`t usually talk about the movies I`m seeing – but, sometimes you have to because… you have to share what is beautiful.
The last film I`m seeing is originally Korean –I am a cyborg, but that`s ok- it has a deep strange story. I found this movie by accident.

The thing is we all can find something nice or attractive – but, because it`s not branded or advertised somewhere we tend to ignore it. If you are curious as I am you will give it a shot. Maybe is something good.
The thing is that these types of movies, or music or something else due to lack of advertising (missed for certain economic or political reasons) remain hidden in the dark corner of creations, as a shadow until someone else discovered them. Remember the Oscar winning Slamdog Millionaire?

This may be one of your favorite movies as well, The Lake House (2006) – but, do you know that this was actually a remake? Probably not, because you got so attracted by the advertising and you loved the story and that`s it.
When I first saw the movie I remembered I`ve seen the story somewhere else and it was exactly the same…Weird – this was a new Hollywood release! But, I remembered the main characters – they were not Caucasians. Il mare (2000)– the award-winning Korean film inspired the 2006 U.S. remake The Lake House starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. You have to watch it – it has something more powerful in terms of emotions.
Only if you look at the trailers on YouTube you`ll see a huge difference in the number of views – 200.000 something compared to 10.000.

Shall I tell you one more? Just before I saw Twilight – the first one – I saw an amazing movie – not very well promoted – Låt den Rätte Komma In - Let the Right One in (2008). If you are into vampire movies, you definitely must see this one.

And if you want to see a nice romantic comedy look for Absolute Boyfriend.
And don`t mind about the language used – these movies are usually translated in English.
I`ll keep you posted if I discover a new one, now that I got into this.

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