Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Does a man need to be rescued from the ivory tower?

I’ve just seen an episode from one famous series…and it made me think about a different fairytale.
In this story there was this lady that she broke the heart of a man by having an affair with another man. She did realize it was a mistake, so she started a plied of actions that will make her ex forgive her and get back together. And there she was in the most romantic famous scene that a woman could hope for, coming from a man, in front of his balcony in the middle of the night repeating how much she loved him.
I know that normally there is this little sweet beautiful amazing princess that is trapped in to a tower by the spells of a dragon and usually there is this brave, handsome prince that will come along and liberate her. He will do anything, even kill the bad dragon, and fight with all witches that will try to be similar to the princess, climb till the tower on an unknown poisonous plant and break all padlocks that will dare to keep him away from his princess.
Hem, that’s a classic…!
What if in our days things have changed?
What if the man is the one trapped into the tower and a brave amazing woman is trying to liberate him?
I didn’t say get to him –or reach him- I said liberate!
Let’s not forget in the old story the power of the prince came from his love for the princess. Nothing mean, no tricks – just purity …and love.
So, if a man it’s in a tower – why would he be there?
Why was the princess in the tower?
Because of a mean dragon that wanted to marry her one-day and because she disagreed he trapped her in the tower.
Can we apply this to a man?
Sort of…probably no one wanted to marry him (irony) or someone broke his heart (most probably), or some bad witches they liked him so much that they trapped him in there with all kind of spells to keep him away from this little sweet angel that happen just to pass by…or they bewitched him with some bad habits that they are total opposites of his beautiful soul.
And there she is – this brave pure woman standing in front of this immense tower hearing the heart beat of this wonderful soul and wondering how can she broke the spells and free this man.
But does the man want to be liberated?
If we fallow the headlines of the old story –the princess recognize her prince and in the same time the prince sees her as she is, meaning she accepts her and doesn`t want to change anything about her.
In our story supposedly the woman likes the man in the tower for what he is in fact, and the man in the tower maybe will recognize the woman.
Nice maybe…
If a woman stays for three days in front of a man house she is considered completely nuts. If a man will do the same thing he will be considered romantic. If a man calls a woman five times or even more to get a date he is considered persevering. If a woman does the same thing she is …desperate. If a woman calls a man three times a day because she misses his voice she is considered possessive. On the other side, the man will be seen as loving.
Back to the story…
If a woman stays in front of a tower with her sword up, with her innocent feelings and ready to lose her life in her try to save this amazing man…unfortunately, he may not see her.
While being in the ivory tower are we all blind? Or we accommodate to well to that situation that we don’t see any other options?

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