Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Youtube House Party

What do you do if you want to invite some friends over…and you don’t want to destroy the house with dancing, screams and alcohol? In the old times, before any technology was spread around people used to gather at someone’s house have dinner, and then read or sing or play some cards games. Later on, other board games were introduced, and then the revolutionary TV – that made friends gather around and watch a movie or a game. And then the video games – you can move, scream, definitely interact. But, the video games sometimes reduce the number of players and put on a side some of them…

You want something smart – that will make you interact with your friends, find out more about them and produce new discussions: Youtube House Party.
You have done many times, I’m sure…you just didn’t acknowledge you were doing it.

The process is simple. First of all you need a computer with good internet connection, and preferably a good resolution of the screen. Arrange sits around the screen, with a main sit in front. Order some pizza or whatever you want to eat…simple foods- snacks and drinks. If you want to keep it healthy – veggies, fruits and some cereal bars will be fine. Choose a team for the evening: comedy, different styles of music, beauty, advertising, short documentaries and movie trailers – more specific or more general or just go with the flow.

While your friends are there ask each of them one by one to sit on the main sit and play a video (in the theme) that they like. The thing is they always have to think what to play next and there will always be comments on the video, plus there will always be something new to discover. This is a nice comfy way to interact with your friends and get to know them better in different fields.
An even more lazy way to do this…is not even having your friends physically present…but by sharing the video on a common forum, or site or conference window and then chat online with your friends. This way you can interact only with one person, or more.
So, having fun?

I’ll let you enjoy two videos that my friends shared and I just discovered at our last Youtube House Party from the series "just go with the flow"

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