Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stress Management Tests

We like it or not stress is taking place in our lives and studies are showing that even the youngster among us, I’m referring to children are dealing with stress. Believe it or not about a quarter of Canadians report a high degree of life stress.

Is just most of us we have a busy life and we pile up the things we want to do…Copping home, work- school, family, social relationships it’s not easy.
Different associations are trying to raise awareness about the level of stress and the impact on our lives. The problem with stress is that it affects one’s health…
If you are suffering from high stress levels, you may feel tense or anxious, have headaches, stomach complaints or even symptoms that mimic illnesses. Long-term exposure to stress can also lead to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. How stressed are you?
Here is a test to give you an idea about the level of stress you experience.
What your score means
1-6: You have few hassles, and generally lead a low-stress life. That’s great! But, don’t spend so much energy avoiding problems that you shy away from challenges.
7-13: You’ve got a handle on your life. Though you’re in good control, try to improve choices and habits that might still cause some unnecessary stress. You’ll find useful advice in this booklet.
14-20: Warning: You’re in the danger zone! Even now you’re probably suffering stress-related symptoms. Take time out every day to look at choices you’ve made and reflect on outcomes. The suggestions in this booklet will enable you to take better control of your life.
Above 20: Red flag emergency! Stop. Re-think. Change your lifestyle. Improve your diet. Make physical activity a regular routine, and above all, try to find ways to relax. Is it running? Knitting? Spending time with your kids? Try to positively alter your attitudes.

Another test is also offering a solution if your answer was not in line with dealing with test.
Answer with True or False
During a recent stressful situation…
  1. I ignored the fact that something was bothering me and tried to carry on as usual. True/False
  2. I made sure that I had information on how to manage this stressful situation. True/False.
  3. I tried not to notice that I was experiencing signs of stress such as an increase in heart rate, problems sleeping, muscle tightness or hurried behaviour. True/False
  4. I used alcohol, smoking, or other substances as a way of relieving my stress. True/False.
  5. I made a plan and followed it, one step at a time. True/False
  6. Every so often, I took time to relax and forget about my stress. I read, listened to music, watched a film or rested. True/False
  7. I looked at the humorous side of the situation, or I gave my support and understanding to people around me who were also under stress. True/False
  8. I took time to remind myself of the important things in life. I reviewed the goals for my personal life and the priorities of my work. True/False
  9. I took out my anger and frustration on my friends and family. True/False
  10. I kept thinking that I was helpless to deal with this situation. True/False
  11. I didn’t let anyone know what was really bothering me, even though there were people available who would have been supportive or helpful. True/False
  12. I started a physical activity I love (hiking, playing badminton, dancing) or doing a hobby (woodworking, knitting, crossword puzzles), so that I could enjoy myself for a while. True/False
Check the answers below to see how effectively you coped with the stressful situation in your life. If you answered in the same manner as below, you’re already practicing some effective stress strategies. If not, you may want to review the situations and consider alternative strategies that may help you live a healthier, more enjoyable life.
  1. F – The first step to managing stress is acknowledging the need for change. Take some quiet time to try to identify the source of your stress. Continuing to deny a stressful situation can have serious, long-term effects on your heart health.
  2. T – Once you’ve identified what causes stress in your life, it’s important to find information on how to develop new skills or improve already existing ones. A certified professional can help.
  3. F – A number of problems (an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, muscle tension, poor concentration, irritability and sleep problems) can all be symptoms of excessive stress in your life. Don’t ignore these signs: they’re your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. See your doctor or a certified professional for help.
  4. F – You may feel that alcohol, smoking or other substances may numb your stress and help you deal with a difficult situation. But any relief is only temporary, and this behaviour can only lead to additional problems for your physical and emotional health.
  5. T – Setting some priorities and being flexible about things that are not critical can help you adapt to a particularly stressful period. Learn to manage your time and set realistic deadlines. This should be part of your overall stress management plan.
  6. T – Realize that there are equally rewarding sources of satisfaction available to you. You may want to look for inspiration in art, literature, philosophy, spirituality or religion. Or simply spend time on the activities you enjoy.
  7. T – Stressful situations often present an opportunity for you to grow in your positive emotions and attitudes. These can include the ability to see the humour in your situation, to trust in your convictions, and to develop more confidence in the people close to you.
  8. T – Sometimes it may be necessary to re-examine your life goals to see if they still effectively reflect what you want out of your life or career. If they don’t maybe it’s time to re-assess your goals and priorities.
  9. F – When you’re under pressure or stress, you may be more irritable with the people closest to you. There are more positive ways of letting out the emotional and physical tension contributing to stress. Try to avoid situations that are bound to be stressful, be physically active to reduce tension or temporarily remove yourself from a situation.
  10. F – At times, stress can lead to feelings of anxiety or helplessness. It’s important to break the cycle of negative thoughts by looking for ways to reduce stress or cushion how much it disrupts your life.
  11. F – Talking to others can give you a fresh perspective on a stressful situation. Plus, friends and family can provide valuable moral support when you need to feel good about yourself.
  12. T – Sometimes it’s important to get some emotional distance from your daily hassles. Take on an activity that lets you temporarily forget what’s going on. Enjoy yourself.

Some steps on how to de-stress your life:

Note: Tests from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario


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