Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Accept or counteract?

I lie to my self with the best arguments. Autosuggestion is the base of annihilation.

Do you like hiking?
This is a story about hiking...through life or situations.
Laura was in her first vacation as a student. When she was young she used do go hiking in the mountains with her family or friends. She liked the feeling of facing the nature. It`s similar to life. You fix an itinerary- a top mountain to gain- and you walk towards your goal facing the nature. The nature was quite nice with Laura. She was never trapped in unusual situations.
This time her friends choused to go in the mountains to stay a few days at a well hidden chalet in the woods.
They hopped for a nice whether, but in the mountains this is very unpredictable. Half of their walk was fine, and then clouds started to gather in the sky. They still walked- but, also the path became more sinuous, arduous slopes muddled their feet. The rain started. Approximating the time of their walk - they thought that they could reach their destination quite fast.
Another slippery slope and Laura ankle entwist. They stopped. Some of them wanted to stay there at least until the rain stopped, some of them wanted to continue. The rain stopped, but everyone agreed that Laura was in pain. Going back was a better solution then going further. She disagreed. The chalet wasn`t that further.
"Aren`t you in pain?"
"I am, but I will rest when I get there. I`ll overcome my pain."
And they moved on. Because of the rain the path wasn`t very clear and when they tried to avoid the mud they mistaken the path. They realized fast.
"We better go back. This is no way to go to a chalet...and probably with all these situations it`s not going to be fun at all"
" We came so far, said Laura disappointed by her friends arguments. Why would we give up? I never give up- even if the result it`s not really the best, at least I know I`ve tried."
Encouraged, her friends went on. They found their way and finally the chalet. There, someone gave Laura assistance with her ankle. And after this event that marked a day of her life- the young girl promised to her self that no matter the situation she would fight to achieve her goal.
Years passed by- and Laura`s decision was the foundation of many of her achievements.
Last year Laura got sick - she fought her disease. From time to time she felt better so everyone thought chances of her recovery increased. She never gave up and was very optimistic. The last medical tests showed bad results. Laura can`t walk anymore- so even she would live she could never go hiking again. She is ok the way she is...happy to be alive. The night when everyone else sleeps she cries. She can`t really accept it. She would give up everything else in her life, just to be able to walk again.
" I should be happy the way I am. I`m surrounded by love, family and friends, I didn`t lose my conscience- just my legs...I have a wheelchair!"
I understand and accept it, but why wouldn`t it be different?
Why can`t you accept and understand?

And the final result will come after.
This story doesn`t have an end. Because Laura- she still hopes that in this life- by some miracle, if not by rational situations she will get what she wants.
We all tend at a certain point overwhelmed by uncomfortable situations to give up. But why would you accept something that you are uncomfortable with, even if that thing is good, but it`s not what you want?
Accept or counteract? Shall we fight the impossible or shall we find an ersatz for our dream?

You decide…

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