Monday, March 1, 2010

Your presence is a gift to the world

Do you know how babies are born?
Yes, probably if you are over 14 you should know all the biological process. Did you know that birth is sometimes referred as miracle? Do you have any idea why?
The answer is more than simple…because even if the anatomical process is largely explained there is a part that is beyond our scientific knowledge. So, if the Nature has called its unbounded power to create something as magnificent as life, why would you try to call it otherwise your presence in this world?

In what circumstances were you born?
Are you born in a poor family? Are you born as result of a rape? Are you coming from a broken family? Or none of these applies to you?
It doesn`t matter in what circumstances you were conceived or born the Nature has decided that you should be alive. It's not about being born and dying, it's about...existing! You just have to find out what it is in the middle – between birth and death.
Is there any reason behind this?
Of course, it is! You are the ONE! The One that has the chance to breath, to acknowledge the life and enjoy the beauty or ugliness of our known world.
You have the chance to Experience and to Express yourself into this world. You have a consciousness, an unique and precious gift that allows you to un-limit your thoughts.
You are a gift to this world because the Nature elected You to be a member of its class. One – that has the right to vote. And in what consist his voting?
2. You can express your thoughts
3. You can enjoy the beauty of the world
4. You can choose your own purpose in life
5. You can change the world
6. You can pro-create, so that the Humanity lives on

Why did I refer to these lines as voting? Because most important of all 1. YOU- have the right to choose.
And by this act the Nature has offered You the greatest power.
Do you realize that you are like a King into this world? Do you realize that your actions have a great impact in how this world continues to live?
I know, you`ll say that “I`m just a nobody! I don`t have the power to change anything!”
You couldn`t be more wrong! By the fact that You are ALIVE, you think and breath – the Nature has given you the chance to make a choice for this world.
And start by making a choice for yourself!
Say it out loud and repeat it to yourself every day: “My presence is a gift into this world! I bless this day because I am alive and because I have the power to make choices.”

What will you choose? That comes to reasoning…and we`ll discuss it later on!

1 comment:

DACIANA said...

Suntem unici in lume si Dumnezeu ne-a inzestrat cu daruri aparte fata de toate vietuitoarele pamantului. Dar nu toti oameni isi pun in valoare partile bune cu care suntem inzestrati si din pacate scot in evidenta numai partiele rele. De aceia sunt atatea rautai pe pemant.