Tuesday, October 26, 2021

I am still here...

OMG! 5 years! 

Everything takes hard work, including... getting back to what you love best.

After taking a break for many years... I decided to be back again...

If you followed me in the past... I apologize for making you wait for so long for another post. For personal reasons that are hard to explain in a few words I stopped publishing on the blog or anywhere else. I didn't stop writing, I just stopped making my work public. People kept asking - when the new post will come - but... Over, the years, I think a lot of followers accepted my abandon. And I hope that one day, when I will be able to open up and explain, they will forgive me.

If you are new here, welcome! I'm new too... to this platform and to being public again.

And I have no idea what I am doing, so please BE PATIENT! I'm still learning... It's like learning how to bike, but then not doing it for years - it is there - but not up to date. Actually, joke aside - that is a true story - I learned how to bike as a child and I only biked for a couple of summers on my cousin's bike when I was visiting my grandparents. And then... never again until I was thirty. I badly wanted a bike in my twenties, but I didn't get one, so, when my husband got me a bike, we realized that I had forgotten how to bike and I had to restart from zero. But, I did re-learn and I love biking. So, I hope that the same thing will happen with the blog - I just need some practice :) 

The focus of my blog has always been words - articles on different subjects, self-improvement, and once in a while an insight into my creative world of writing and arts. They are just words... about everything! Some different ideas to make people reflect more on the subject.

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